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Caring for Your Nose or Facial Piercing: A Comprehensive Care Guide

Congratulations on your new nose or facial piercing from El Zorro Tattoo! To ensure a smooth healing process and preserve the beauty of your piercing, follow these step-by-step care instructions:


1. Hands Hygiene:

  • Clean Hands: Wash your hands thoroughly with a mild, fragrance-free soap before touching your piercing.


2. Cleaning Routine:

  • Saline Solution Soaks: Soak the piercing in a sterile saline solution twice a day using a cotton swab or by immersing the area.


3. Gentle Cleaning:

  • Mild Soap: Use a fragrance-free, mild, non-alcoholic soap to clean around the piercing.

  • Avoid Rotation: Do not rotate or move the jewelry during the cleaning process.


4. Avoid Irritants:

  • Hair Products: Be cautious with hair products to prevent them from coming into contact with the piercing.

  • No Makeup: Avoid applying makeup on or around the piercing.


5. Soothing Compress:

  • Warm Compress: Apply a warm, clean compress to reduce swelling and promote blood circulation.


6. Proper Aftercare Products:

  • Saline Spray: If recommended, use a saline spray for quick and convenient aftercare.

  • Avoid Peroxide: Do not use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol-based solutions, as they can be harsh on the piercing.


7. Hands-Off Approach:

  • Minimize Touching: Refrain from unnecessary touching or twisting of the jewelry to prevent irritation.


8. Clothing Choices:

  • Avoid Tight Clothing: Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing to minimize friction and irritation.

  • Protective Covering: Consider using a clean, breathable bandage or dressing during activities that may expose the piercing to contaminants.


9. Healing Timeline:

  • Patience is Key: Healing times vary but expect your nose or facial piercing to be healed in about 6-12 weeks.

  • Contact for Concerns: If you have concerns or notice signs of infection, promptly reach out to El Zorro Tattoo.


10. Sun Protection:

  • Sunscreen: Apply a gentle, hypoallergenic sunscreen around the piercing if it will be exposed to sunlight.


11. Regular Check-ups:

  • Piercer Consultation: Schedule regular check-ups with your piercer to monitor healing progress.

  • Professional Assistance: If you experience persistent issues or signs of infection, seek advice from a healthcare professional.


12. Avoid Swimming:

  • No Bodies of Water: Refrain from swimming in pools, hot tubs, lakes, or other bodies of water during the initial healing period.


Remember, consistent care is essential for a successful healing process. Thank you for choosing El Zorro Tattoo for your piercing journey. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Enjoy showcasing your new piercing!

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