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How We Pierce
All of our piercings are performed with sterile, single-use needles instead of a piercing gun. Needles open a small space in the ear tissue, a method that limits swelling and scarring in the surrounding area. Because needles are so precise, they help us execute complicated placements like a Tash Helix℠ or Daith that cannot be done with a bulky gun. Needles also allow us to use different types of jewelry in your piercing, rather than limiting it to studs. In all, they provide a gentler, more artful piercing experience.
what are piercings
Piercings consist of a perforation that we do for aesthetic purposes, being able to be done in different parts of the body and thus receiving different names. Currently it is quite common to wear piercings, it is not surprising to see someone with an earring in some area of their body, although it is true that there are some parts that are more commonly chosen than others. When we choose the place, it is also important to consider the pain and, above all, the risks of drilling that specific area.
What are the main types of piercings?
The piercing is a decorative element, a complement, which is currently worn by individuals from different cultures, from different social classes, of different ages and of both sexes. A piercing consists of a perforation that we make somewhere in the body with the purpose of putting on an earring.
Thus, there are many types of piercing, as many as areas of the body a person has, although there are some that are more frequent than others. This wide variety of piercing classes is due to the possibility of doing it in different parts of the same area. We mean that, for example, in the ear depending on where we perform the piercing, the piercing receives a different name.
In this way, when we think about putting on an earring, we must not only assess its aesthetics, if we like how it fits, but also depending on where we choose the healing, scarring, possibility of infection will vary and we must keep it in mind to proceed correctly. and avoid complications that may affect our health.
So let's see what types of piercings exist, what they are called according to the area and what their main characteristics are. We will make the classification according to the part of the body where we do it.
1. Ear piercing
The ear piercing is one of the most frequent, being normally the first place where the subjects choose to put on their first earring. This area allows drilling in many places, also giving the possibility to select from a wide variety of slopes. In the ear there is an area of softer tissue known as the lobe and others of harder tissue, called cartilage, the latter will be considered more sensitive, since it hurts more to get the piercing and also have worse healing.
In this way, the piercings made in the lobe are the most frequent and less painful, and can be placed in the lower part, which is where the first earring was traditionally placed, in the middle part or in the upper area.
Now, in the cartilage, which constitutes the majority of the ear, it allows a piercing in almost all areas, the most frequent are: the helix that is placed on the top of the cartilage; the antihelix, which is the opposite of the previous one, is placed in the inner part of the ear; the tragus is pierced in the small cartilage, the area closest to the cheek; the antitragus opposite the former, situated in the middle part of the ear or the rook where it pierces above the tragus on the lower branch of the antihelix.
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2. Tongue Piercing
The tongue piercing is one of the most common within the category of mouth piercings. When we go to the slope in this area, it is important that we take into account that the material is hypoallergenic and that it is easy to clean to reduce the possibility of infections.
There are two common ways to drill holes: vertical or horizontal. In the case of vertical ones, the most frequent is the one made in the middle of the tongue, although we can also do it closer to the tip of the tongue or make two perforations known as venom piercing. Regarding the horizontal ones, these are more dangerous, we can completely cross the tongue or only part of it, the latter is known as surface piercing.
3. Piercing in the frenulum
The frenulum piercing is what we call the one that we place between the upper lip and the gum. The best known is the smiley and receives this name since it is seen when smiling. Points in favor of its rapid healing and that it does not hurt too much to do it, point against, it can damage the teeth and gums as it happens with most oral piercings. Now, not everyone can do it, it will depend on how our frenulum is (size and thickness).
4. Lip piercing
The lip piercing is also a frequent choice. As with other earrings in the mouth, it has a higher risk of infection because it is continuously in contact with a high amount of bacteria, for this reason its correct healing is important.
They will receive different names depending on their position, piercing: labret is the one located on the lower lip, side labret is placed between the labret and the corner of the mouth, medusa pierces the upper lip in the central part, Monroe on the upper lip on the left side and Madonna. on the upper lip on the right side. On the upper lip it will be more common to place a bar allowing a ball to be seen externally, on the other hand, on the lower lip the use of rings is more frequent.
5. Eyebrow piercing
The eyebrow piercing shows the advantage of being less painful since the area is all soft tissue. Despite not showing many healing complications, we do have to be careful not to rub or hook it when we undress, especially when it is still healing. Also during the healing period we will try to change the cushion cover frequently for greater hygiene.
6. Nose piercing
Another part of the body that is most often chosen to get a piercing is the nose. Depending on where the earring is placed, the type of piercing receives different names, and may be more or less painful and have better or worse healing. We must bear in mind that most of the piercings that are done in the nose are in the cartilage, which is why it will be more painful and we must heal well if we want to avoid complications.
Let's see what types of nose piercing exist: the nostril is the most common, located on one side, going through the cartilage; the bridge placed in the upper part of the nose, approximately between the two eyes, this does not hurt so much since the tissue that we pierce is soft; The septum or bull is placed through the membrane that separates the two nostrils, this can be quite painful as it crosses a highly sensitive area.
There are two other kinds of nasal piercing, although they are less common: the nasallang, this piercing crosses the two sides of the nose past the septum, externally it looks like two perforations, two nostrils and the rhino or vertical tip that crosses the nose. tip of the nose vertically, leaving the two earrings visible at the top and bottom.
7. Navel Piercing
Although this type of piercing is more common to see in women, sex is not a determinate variable and both can wear it indiscriminately. The factor that will have the most influence is the anatomy of the navel, since depending on it, we may or may not be able to do this type of piercing.
As we have already seen in other types of piercing, the piercing can be done in different places of the navel: the classic, in this case we pierce the upper part of the navel; the reverse is the opposite, making the perforation in the lower part of the navel; the double, where two perforations are normally made vertically or the interior that pierces the inner part of the navel, this area shows a greater risk of infection for this reason we must take care of it and clean it frequently.
8. Nipple Piercing
The nipple piercing is quite painful since it is a very sensitive area. It has even been observed that the pain can last more than a day, being essential that we take care of it and clean it well to achieve proper healing, we must bear in mind that it is one of the piercings that takes the longest to heal. The drilling site can be different both vertically, transversely and horizontally, the latter being the most chosen alternative.